Convert ggplot2 to notly (plotly with embedded ggplot)
This function converts a ggplot2::ggplot()
object to a
notly object. The original ggplot object is retained inside of the new plotly object.
This makes this conversion reversible, allowing you to freely go back and forth betweeen ggplot and plotly.
p = ggplot2::last_plot(),
width = NULL,
height = NULL,
tooltip = "all",
dynamicTicks = FALSE,
layerData = 1,
originalData = TRUE,
source = "A",
- p
a ggplot object.
- width
Width of the plot in pixels (optional, defaults to automatic sizing).
- height
Height of the plot in pixels (optional, defaults to automatic sizing).
- tooltip
a character vector specifying which aesthetic mappings to show in the tooltip. The default, "all", means show all the aesthetic mappings (including the unofficial "text" aesthetic). The order of variables here will also control the order they appear. For example, use
tooltip = c("y", "x", "colour")
if you want y first, x second, and colour last.- dynamicTicks
should plotly.js dynamically generate axis tick labels? Dynamic ticks are useful for updating ticks in response to zoom/pan interactions; however, they can not always reproduce labels as they would appear in the static ggplot2 image.
- layerData
data from which layer should be returned?
- originalData
should the "original" or "scaled" data be returned?
- source
a character string of length 1. Match the value of this string with the source argument in
to retrieve the event data corresponding to a specific plot (shiny apps can have multiple plots).- ...
arguments passed onto methods.
Conversion of relative sizes depends on the size of the current
graphics device (if no device is open, width/height of a new (off-screen)
device defaults to 640/480). In other words, height
must be specified at runtime to ensure sizing is correct.
For examples on how to specify the output container's height
in a
shiny app, see plotly_example("shiny", "ggplotly_sizing")
if (FALSE) {
# simple example
ggpenguins <- qplot(bill_length_mm , body_mass_g,
data = palmerpenguins::penguins, color = species)
data(canada.cities, package = "maps")
viz <- ggplot(canada.cities, aes(long, lat)) +
borders(regions = "canada") +
coord_equal() +
geom_point(aes(text = name, size = pop), colour = "red", alpha = 1/2)
ggplotly(viz, tooltip = c("text", "size"))
# linked scatterplot brushing
d <- highlight_key(mtcars)
qplot(data = d, x = mpg, y = wt) %>%
subplot(qplot(data = d, x = mpg, y = vs)) %>%
layout(title = "Click and drag to select points") %>%
# more brushing (i.e. highlighting) examples
demo("crosstalk-highlight-ggplotly", package = "plotly")
# client-side linked brushing in a scatterplot matrix
highlight_key(palmerpenguins::penguins) %>%
GGally::ggpairs(aes(colour = Species), columns = 1:4) %>%
ggplotly(tooltip = c("x", "y", "colour")) %>%