Multi-label agreement


Dr. Gordon McDonald

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Define functions to calculate MASI

Show the code defining the functions
#' Parse string into a character vector
#' @param x string, e.g. "label_1, label_2"
#' @param sep separator, e.g. ", "
#' @return character vector of labels, e.g. c("label_1", "label_2")
#' @export
#' @examples
#' elements_from_string("l1, l2, l3", sep = ", ")
elements_from_string <- function(x, sep = ", ") {str_split(x,sep,simplify = F)[[1]]}

#' Measuring Agreement on Set-valued Items (MASI) distance from text string
#' MASI Similarity or Distance (pairwise)
#' @param x Person x string of labels such as "label_1, label_2, label_3"
#' @param y Person y string of labels such as "label_4, label_1, label_5, label_7"
#' @param sep Label separator in the string, default = ", "
#' @param jaccard_only Only return Jaccard index instead of MASI (default = FALSE)
#' @param type one of "dist" or "sim" (default) for a distance or similarity score.
#' @return Jaccard Distance between the two sets
#' @export
#' @examples
#' masi("l1, l2, l3", "l7, l2")
masi <- function(x,y,sep = ", ", jaccard_only = F, type = "sim"){
  # Define the labels for each rater
  lab_x <- elements_from_string(x)
  lab_y <- elements_from_string(y)
  # compute set diff and intersection size
  diff_xy_size <- length(setdiff(lab_x,lab_y)) # number of elements in set x but not in set y
  diff_yx_size <- length(setdiff(lab_y,lab_x)) # number of elements in set y but not in set x
  intersection_size <- length(intersect(lab_x,lab_y)) # number of elements in common between two sets
  # monotonicity simillarity coefficient, M, see Rebecca Passonneau. 2006. Measuring Agreement on Set-valued Items (MASI) for Semantic and Pragmatic Annotation. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’06), Genoa, Italy. European Language Resources Association (ELRA).
  m_sim <- case_when(
    (diff_xy_size == 0) & (diff_yx_size == 0) ~ 1, # the sets are identical, return 1
    (diff_xy_size == 0) | (diff_yx_size == 0) ~ 2/3, # one set is a subset of the other, return 2/3
    (diff_xy_size != 0) & (diff_yx_size != 0) & (intersection_size !=0) ~ 1/3, # some overlap, some non-overlap in each set, return 1/3
    intersection_size ==0 ~ 0 # disjoint sets, return 0
  # Calculate Jaccard simmilarity; J=1 means same, J=0 means no overlap at all. See
  jaccard_sim <- intersection_size/(length(lab_x) + length(lab_y) - intersection_size)
  #MASI sim is M*J; MASI dist is 1-M*J
  masi_sim <- if_else(jaccard_only,
  return(if_else(type == "sim",

MASI_simmilarity_matrix <- function(df, sep = ", ") {
  labels_all_combos <- sort(unique(unlist(df))) # alphabetical sorted list of all strings of labels
  num_label_combos <- length(labels_all_combos) # number of combinations above
  masi_sim_mat <- matrix(nrow = num_label_combos,
                         ncol = num_label_combos,
                         dimnames = list(labels_all_combos,
  for(i in 1:num_label_combos){
    for(j in 1:num_label_combos)
      masi_sim_mat[i,j] <- masi(x = labels_all_combos[i],
                                y = labels_all_combos[j],
                                sep = sep)

Test data

#creating the dataset as dataframe
#you'll want to load in your data frame / tibble from a csv file instead
dataset <- tribble(
  ~Coder1,  ~Coder2,      ~Coder3,
  "l1, l2", "l1",         "l2",
  "l1, l2", "l1, l2",     "l1, l2",
  "l1",     "l1",         "l1",       
  "l3",     "l3",         NA_character_,
  "l3",     "l1, l3",     "l1, l3",
  "l4",     "l4",         "l4",
  "l2",     "l4",         "l5",
  "l1, l2", "l1",         "l2",
  "l1, l2", "l1, l2, l3", "l1, l2, l3, l9",
  "l1",     "l2, l4",     "l1",
  "l1",     "l1",         "l5"

Calculate Inter-rater reliability

# calculate MASI set difference between each pair of labels
wt <- MASI_simmilarity_matrix(dataset, sep = ", ") 

# calculating krippendorff alpha
ka <- krippen.alpha.raw(ratings = dataset, 
                        weights = wt,
                        categ.labels = rownames(wt),
                        conflev = 0.95

# calculating fleiss' kappa
fk <- fleiss.kappa.raw(ratings = dataset, 
                        weights = wt,
                        categ.labels = rownames(wt),
                        conflev = 0.95

          pa        pe coeff.val
1        Fleiss' Kappa 0.5538721 0.2471891   0.40738  0.15383  (0.065,0.75)
2 Krippendorff's Alpha 0.5543077 0.2539822   0.40257  0.15186 (0.064,0.741)
1 0.02438394 Custom Weights
2 0.02427498 Cutsom Weights

So Krippendorff’s Alpha is

(kav <- ka$est$coeff.val)
[1] 0.40257

And the 95% confidence interval is

[1] "(0.064,0.741)"

And Fleiss’ Kappa is

(fkv <- fk$est$coeff.val)
[1] 0.40738

And sampling 500 reshuffles to see what the coefficient looks like:

# "randomly" reshuffled data
reshuffle <- function(df){
  df %>% 
    unlist %>% 
    {sample(.,size = length(.),replace = F)} %>% 
    matrix(ncol = ncol(df),
           dimnames = list(row.names(df),
                           names(df))) %>% 
#reshuffled <- reshuffle(dataset) 

#calculating krippendorff alpha
shuffle_ka_vec = c()
for (i in 1:500){
  ka_r <- krippen.alpha.raw(ratings = reshuffle(dataset), 
                          weights = wt,
                          categ.labels = rownames(wt),
                          conflev = 0.95
  shuffle_ka_vec[i] <- ka_r$est$coeff.val

#calculating fleiss' kappa
shuffle_fk_vec = c()
for (i in 1:500){
  fk_r <- fleiss.kappa.raw(ratings = reshuffle(dataset), 
                          weights = wt,
                          categ.labels = rownames(wt),
                          conflev = 0.95
  shuffle_fk_vec[i] <- fk_r$est$coeff.val

Plot random reshuffle vs the actual result you got.

     xlim = c(min(c(shuffle_ka_vec,kav)),1),
     main = "Krippendorff's alpha",
     xlab = "Krippendorff's alpha")
abline(v = kav,col="red")
text(x = c(0,kav,1),
     labels = c("random",paste0("value = ",round(kav,3)),"agree")

     xlim = c(min(c(shuffle_fk_vec,fkv)),1),
     main = "Fleiss's Kappa",
     xlab = "Fleiss' Kappa")
abline(v = fkv,col="blue")
text(x = c(0,fkv,1),
     labels = c("random",paste0("value = ",round(fkv,3)),"agree")